EasyEquities Blog

Celebrating the Women of Purple Group

Written by Carly Esterhuizen | Aug 21, 2024 9:00:14 AM

Our VP of Brand Carly Esterhuizen shares some of the results and insights from our Purple Group women staff survey and found them really relatable. 

I’ve been on a bit of a mission this month to understand the women in our community of investors, and to learn how we can better support them in their investing journeys. Part of that has been running women meet-ups where we got to meet other women in person and talk about investing, our relationship with money and swap tips and stories. I ran these meet-ups with some of my female co-workers and suddenly realised there was this whole group of women I hadn’t even considered: The Women of Purple.

So I decided to survey the women I work with to better understand their experiences, challenges, and aspirations.

What I found interesting about the results was that we all felt the same about a lot of things, and a lot of the feedback mirrored the challenges that so many in our community experience too: a need for more education and upskilling when it comes to investing, and the challenge of finding space in your budget to include investing as a regular habit.

I quite like the idea of getting short snippets of content, which is why social media is a place I often go when I’m looking for support or education. Our social channels (X, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube), deliver daily content aimed at helping you in your investment journey, so that might be a good place to start. Go check out our latest uploads on YouTube and you’ll get to meet some of the women we connected with, and some that work with me at Purple Group.

We also have a number of resources that can support you, including our blog where we regularly post education, stock research and trends; and our EasyAcademy where you can enroll in courses or complete the monthly Thrive lesson.

A Positive Outlook with Opportunities for Growth

Most of the women staff I surveyed reported a positive experience working in the financial services industry, with 50% describing their experience as "Positive" and 40% as "Very Positive." This is a testament to the supportive and growth-oriented culture we've cultivated at Purple Group. However, while these results are encouraging, they also highlight areas where we can continue to improve and ensure that all women feel equally supported.

Empowering Women Through Targeted Initiatives

Training and development, mentorship programs, diversity and inclusion workshops, and networking opportunities were all highlighted as important areas for growth for women at Purple. This echo’s the sentiment I got from a lot of the women I spoke to this month, who were really interested in upskilling themselves, and connecting with other women more regularly.

We’re always looking for ways to empower women to reach their full potential and by expanding our efforts in these areas, we aim to create an environment where every woman feels supported.

Addressing Financial Challenges and Investing with Confidence

When it comes to investing, 70% of our female staff said that a lack of disposable income was their biggest challenge, while 30% expressed a need for more knowledge about investing. These responses highlight just how important access to education and personalized support is. In fact education is woven into pretty much everything we do; and we’re constantly looking for ways to expand on resources and education necessary to help and support all employees as well as our investor community, regardless of gender, feel confident and empowered in their investment decisions.

Support Networks and Mentorship: A Vital Resource

Mentorship and peer support came out as crucial elements in the professional lives of our female staff. While 56.7% of them reported seeking advice from other women in the industry "Sometimes" or "Very Regularly," a significant 43.3% had not experienced mentorship in their careers. This feedback has helped us identify a need for more structured and accessible mentorship programs, which can provide invaluable guidance and encouragement for women at all stages of their careers.

Looking Forward: Building on Our Strengths

Before joining Purple Group, 40% of respondents were not investors, and I’m one of them. I knew nothing about investing before I started working at Purple, but have found our inclusive and educational environment has helped me and many others start and grow in our investment journeys. I’m proud of the progress we've made, but I also recognize that there is more work to be done.

A Final Word of Encouragement

These contributions are invaluable, and I believe our team’s potential is limitless. I know that Purple Group is dedicated to supporting growth and ensuring all Purplistas have the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed. Together, I hope we continue to break down barriers, support one another, and create a brighter future for women in our industry.