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Every month (and every quarter) the Johannesburg Stock Exchange closes derivative and equity trading for *15 minutes, with JSE-related trades closing ...
Started working towards your early retirement? You know, the sit and chill, while the dollars or Rands do the work.
When it comes to investing, keep it low-cost and keep it simple – a saying Nozipho likes to use when summarising her retirement strategy… keep it shor...
Being part of the change you want to see? As part of our Donate for Good journey, we reached out to Thandulwazi Academy, an organization that aids and...
What's moving the EC10 index? 2021 turned out to be a stellar year for crypto. While 2022 will most likely look very different because of changes in t...
As the year kicks off, there is lot of chat around resolutions or goals for the year. What are your financial goals for 2022?
Dedicated to education, INVSTRs have lent a hand to Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy, an NPO established by St Stithians College in 2015.
What is a tender offer? A tender offer is a corporate action whereby investors are allowed to sell their shares to the offeror at a prescribed price f...
As an investor, you will most definitely hear a lot about government bonds and interest rates on your investment journey. Understanding these concepts...
What is buying the dip? In the stock market, share prices regularly fluctuate. This doesn’t affect the amount of shares you own but instead the value ...

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