16 January 2025
Ever heard of borrowing money against a wine collection? It’s a thing. Imagine your prized Burgundy bottles not just sitting pretty but working hard t...
17 December 2024
The end of the year often brings a much-anticipated financial boost: your bonus. For many, the temptation to spend it on a luxe holiday, the latest ga...
4 October 2024
As you progress in your investment journey, you may find that your assets are managed in different places. For example, you may have an emergency fund...
Investing in dividend-paying shares could offer numerous financial benefits, such as passive income. Additionally, several of these shares can also se...
25 March 2024
Consolidating high-interest-rate debt can be a smart financial move to reduce your overall interest payments and simplify your debt management.
14 December 2023
EasyCredit is a secured lending facility which allows you to borrow money against the shares in your portfolio. But how does it stack up against other...
14 December 2023
A collateralized loan, also known as a secured loan, is a type of loan that is backed by collateral. Collateral can be an asset (like the investments ...
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