Published on: Dec 14, 2023 12:00:00 AM
Place of Mercy and Hope is the 47th organization featured on the EasyEquities DonateForGood initiative. Yep, our community has helped 47 amazing organsiations to make our country better. Huge congrats and a massive thanks. Just this year, investors have donated around R200,000!
Through Easy's DonateForGood, investors can now support the incredible work of Place of Mercy and Hope, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering disadvantaged families in the Eastern Cape.
Place of Mercy and Hope was established in 2006 and empowers families via:
- Education: The organization provides educational programs, including early childhood education, after-school programs, and adult education classes.
- Nutrition: Place of Mercy and Hope offers nutritious meals and snacks to children and families in need.
- Basic Healthcare: The organization provides a variety of basic healthcare services including immunizations.
Place of Mercy and Hope proves that compassion can pave the path to a brighter future. Thank you Team Easy.
To donate, simply navigate to the final buy confirmation page when purchasing an instrument on the platform. There, you can choose to contribute R5, R50, or R500 to the charity. The default value is zero, ensuring flexibility for those unable to make a donation.
To learn more about "Donate for Good," click here or below.

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