This week's featured ETF is Satrix SA Bond ETF (JSE:STXGOV). This ETF is suitable for investors with a medium risk appetite seeking exposure to SA gov...
This week's featured ETF is Satrix Reitway Global Property ETF (JSE:STXGPR). This ETF is suitable for investors with a medium risk appetite seeking ex...
Heard of emerging markets, or BRICS? If you live in South Africa you may not realise that you are in fact a resident in an emerging market. 👀 An emer...
14 June 2023
A lot of people don't really know what a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) is, and to be honest it's still considered the newbie in town even though it'...
This week's featured ETF is 1nvest S&P500 Info Tech Index Feeder Fund (JSE:ETF5IT). This ETF is suitable for investors who seek exposure to offshore i...
This week's featured ETF is FNB MidCap ETF (JSE:FNBMID). This ETF suits investors with a high-risk appetite seeking exposure to SA equities over a lon...
This week's featured ETF is Satrix RESI ETF (JSE:STXRES). This ETF is suitable for investors with a high risk appetite seeking exposure to the resourc...
22 May 2023
Satrix and FNB have declared dividends with upcoming last dates to trade. Some of these ETFs reinvest (*) the net pay-out on behalf of investors.
It’s easy to hate on markets when they suddenly go from a bull run to a bear stand still. But you have to remember that this is their nature.
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