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According to 10X Investments, the global ETF industry is currently valued at $10 trillion, and it's expected to triple in the next decade. People love...
The "Magnificent Seven" stocks, coined by Bank of America analyst Michael Hartnett in 2023, refer to seven influential and high-performing tech compan...
In the last few years, the property landscape has gone through quite a few changes. Trends, like the Zoom Boom, have come about from changes in the wa...
The Finance Ghost explains that ETFs are a great way to spread out investments across different markets affordably. They also point out that ETFs can ...
The year 2023 was a goodie for cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin delivering investors a return of over 160% year-on-year.
This week, there are more ETFs from 1nvest, FNB, and Satrix preparing to pay dividends. These funds include: 1nvest TOP 40 ETF: holds the 40 largest c...
Let's break down the world of bonds…not in the spy world, but in the stock market. From safety features to potential benefits, discover whether bonds ...
Investing can seem like a maze of choices, each with its own set of complexities and jargon. Amidst this landscape, unit trusts stand out as a popular...
Deresh Lawangee, CEO of RISE Easyretire, shares his perspective on how known institutions have changed their perceptions on Bitcoin.
Nuclear's carbon-free promise pits proponents eager for clean energy against critics wary of waste and safety risks, sparking heated headlines as the ...

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