Consistency and Commitment Born and raised in Johannesburg, the Stubbs Twins (@YoungInvestor03 and @GenZInvestor4) have been aiming for gold in their ...
24 May 2022
Companies gear up in preparation to reward investors, 📊with some continuing to see strong growth in earnings 💵 during times of uncertainty.
Consistency and Commitment Consistency and Commitment are just two principles that may be rewarding in the long term amid our current period of uncert...
19 May 2022
What are bull and bear markets? When the stock market moves at an upward trend, this is referred to as the Bull market and when the market moves on a ...
19 May 2022
April showers brought devastation to Kwa-Zulu Natal, The Province was plagued by flooding with hundreds of people losing their homes and hundreds more...
13 May 2022
Bull and Bears in the stock market - when it's Bull 📈 it's all green for investors, but when Bears fight back, the RED charts dominate 📉.
11 May 2022
THE POWER OF THE ETF💪 Highlights the power of the ETF, the basics around ETFs, all things ETFs, and the pros and cons associated with investing in th...
10 May 2022
Start-ups and cheap companies Start-ups, or so-called “cheap companies”, are some of the investment vehicles that, despite the risk, may be rewarding ...
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