30 January 2025
Here's a mix of bold, speculative, and contrarian stock picks for 2025, covering sectors from fintech and e-commerce to oil and crypto. Some are marke...
3 September 2020
Kogan.com is a company listed on the ASX exchange (Australia). The company comprises of retail and business services such as Kogan Retail, Kogan Mobil...
5 August 2020
NEXTDC is a technology company enabling business transformation through innovative data centre outsourcing solutions, connectivity services and infras...
29 July 2020
Accounting software made for small businesses: Xero’s online accounting software lives in the cloud, which allows small business to automate everyday ...
14 July 2020
a2 Milk Company is a consumer staples company with their main products being Infant milk formula, liquid milk and other nutritional products.
30 June 2020
The best performing investors are the investors that can 'predict' the future the best.
29 May 2020
Tesla is about 24% of my international portfolio. By far the largest holding in my portfolio, and I will continue to add it to my portfolio if the sha...
It is never too early or too late to start building a stock portfolio. At any given time, opportunities are presented. My personal motto is this: JUST...
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